


Towards dawn sleep was at length possible. A man whom he did not recognize came to Genji in a dream.

“The court summons you.” He seemed to be reaching for Genji. “Why do you not go?”

– Lady Murasaki, Genji Monogatari

G. B. He was Giordano Bruno. And what does that mean? It means the fire. First, though, the river-journey. Orsù, disse il Nolano, andiamo e preghiamo Dio, che ne faccia accompagnare in questa sera oscura, a sì lungo Camino, per sì poco sicure strade. “Let’s go, then,” said the man from Nola, “though God help us on such a long journey, over such treacherous roads, through such a dark night.”

The city is a hermetic jewel
built of correspondences
looking through George Court’s
no nothing

As the bus draws up at your central city stop, people begin to queue for it, a line stretching down the street. You are perhaps third or fourth among them. A blonde girl attempts to make her way into the queue from the opposite direction. She turns and gives you a ravishing smile as you stand back to let her in. She looks unsurprised, as if considering it her due, and yet the pure beauty, the simplicity of the gesture moves you strangely, seems to say something beyond itself. Il Nolano, il quale ha studiato ed ha pratticato ne le scuole più che noi, disse: – Mi par veder un porco passaggio; però seguitate a me. The Nolan, who had studied far more than any of us, said: – I think I see a way, a dirty way through; follow me, chaps.

Silence is a good thing
moving against the sky
(… never went to see
that Roger Hall comedy)

A drunk climbs onto the bus, with a large jingling package which he lays lovingly on the seat in front of him. “Don’t touch my iddle bibby baby’s bottle,” he announces to all of you. He loved a woman once, he confides, but she would have none of him. “I told her: ‘I’d like to get into your pants,’ but she said: “fuck off, you old bastard, you’ll never get into my pants.’ But then one day I saw her washing out on the line, so I went over and took a pair of her panties and put

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